How Unique are the US National Parks?
The National Parks are some of the most treasured places in our country. Some are not only the most significant places in the United States, but also the world. The infographic below details how unique some of the features are inside our National Parks.
World Records
The world’s largest tree is General Sherman inside Sequoia National Park. It has a total volume of 52,508 cubic feet. While other trees around the world are taller, none has more mass than old General Sherman. It stands 275 feet tall and has a base diameter of 36 feet.
The world’s tallest active geyser is Steamboat Geyser inside Yellowstone National Park. It shoots water 300 feet into the air. Each eruption lasts anywhere between 4 and 40 minutes, and continues until all the water supply is exhausted.
The world’s largest mountain is Mauna Loa located inside the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the main Hawaiian island. It is a subaerial volcano and has a total volume of 18,000 cubic miles.
Death Valley is both the driest and hottest place on Earth. On average, Death Valley has 147 days at or above 100°F. It also holds the record for the hottest day ever recorded, when it reached 134°F in June 1913. It also is the driest place on earth, as it only receives about 2 inches of rainfall per year.
United States Records
The deepest cave in the US is Lechuguilla Cave, in Carlsbad Caverns National Park. It descends more than 1,604 feet into the ground.
The highest point in the US is Denali Peak located in Denali National Park. It stands 20,310 feet above sea level.
The snowiest place in the US is a specific ranger station inside Mt. Rainier National Park. It gets about 671 inches or 56 feet of snow per year!
The deepest lake in the US is Crater Lake at 1,943 feet.
The lowest spot in the US is Badwater Basin in Death Valley. It is 282 feet below sea level!